We are invited to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to the world. Our hope is for that to be evident in our lives, and for our love to be practical, as well as theological. So we invite you to get into the Current of what God is doing through our church laboring together for the good of Orlando.
Twice a year, we gather as a church community to help show Christ’s love by venturing out into our city to serve together and provide aid to local communities. We’ve had as many as 75 people on a Saturday morning show up to make a difference in our community! Join us for one of these important Current Events.
We will announce when our Current Events for 2024 will be happening and give you plenty of notice so you can plan accordingly.
Check out THIS VIDEO to get a better feel for how it works!
On our Current Event days we meet on a Saturday morning at 8AM to get into our groups and talk through each project we’re going to take on before we head out. We then head to our specific sites together to begin serving by 8:45AM, and wrap up around 4:00PM. Sometimes we are back earlier depending on how involved the project is but it’s safe to plan until 4PM.
Please let us know if you are going to need childcare.